Perspective – Aerial Night
Perhaps the most compelling image of all – a gem box of light, color, arches, and imagination. The idea for the bubble tubes exploded into existence upon the mention of one word: Jukebox. Thanks to the knowledgeable brain of one Justin Dune, mentioned earlier, the bubble tubes were introduced. However they do more than look pretty. They work perfectly with the monumental scale of the 200 foot-spanning arches, and grand entry. They also provide a physical and visual connection between the freeway, interstitial parking garage, and above-grade waterpark. One idea was to let the tubes bubble over, allowing water to cascade down and allow kids and families to put their hands on the tubes all along the way, enhancing the patron’s experience of the Portland Bubble Park.
One unintentional outcome of this rendering image comes in the form of a Willy-Wonka-style transformation. From this high-rise level perspective, cars enter below into an array of colors, and one may only guess what spectacular change will occur between their entry and exit at the freeway level.