
Such vibrancy has never been achieved in the work of RHW. However every year that new tools are learned, is another chance to apply them in spectacular ways. This plan was produced by mixing AutoCAD Architecture and Photoshop. Then through a moment’s inquiry, removing the AutoCAD skeleton to produce a delicate plan that possessed only color, and absolutely no black lines.

Notice here how the existing train tracks move under the projecting cantilevered promenade. RHW has an affinity for preserving all things that already work well. The train and Mill, seen to the bottom left, are currently functioning features, which add vitality, commerce, and economy to Portland. Always thinking like a child and an adult simultaneously, the designer chose to project the new development over the train so that families, and especially the physically youthful, and the young at heart, may find joy peering down onto the very industry that has given life to Portland.