
The trident fountain, of Crux Village, is a symbol of convergence. The slim green fork represents the CP (Cycle + Pedestrian Routes), the red indicates VP, and the thick blue is TBP. As may be seen on the Masterplan, Crux Village is where all of the transportation types come together. Not only that, but it is where the Moda Center has been preserved (represented in the fountain by brick and steps), where new construction has surrounded the existing (the concrete gridded permeable paving), and a diversity of both building uses and people interact (the various colored lights in the water). The water however is the most meaningful, which represents the waterfront, over which everything takes place.

RHW was not pleased by the re-naming of the Rose Garden to the Moda Center. This was a defacement that essentially destroyed the meaning of the architectural form that is akin to a rose. It seemed fitting that this disapproval be manifest, as was Stay Puft, in an epic moment of triumph.